Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Hello my blog world friends,

             Its me again, Tracy, and my topic for tonight deals with a web 2.0 tool - VYEW.com.  I found this tool through my search from GO2Web20.net.  My main focus during this search was to find a web based tool that could be easily used within my environment to encourage collaboration and a sense of community.  Now don't get me wrong I know that there are a lot of social networking tools available in technology today.  Due to my current school district's restrictions on certain web based platform medias such as (Twitter and Facebook) I needed to find a tool that could be used either at a school during the planning day as well as user-friendly and could also be used when you are  home.  Most of time in my current working environment,  a typical school day does not lend itself easy for teachers to fully collaborate with one another.   By this time  many of us get home we find that we need a listening ear  to bounce ideas off of or  offer advice to us on what we can do to make collaboration work within our environment. This help tends to come through other means such as by using the telephone, online social networks (Facebook and Twitter) which has unfortunately gotten a lot of people in trouble.  So as I reflected on what I needed  to accomplish for this assignment that I could also incorporate it in my Action Research I came across VYEW.com.   Below I recorded some of my tour for this interesting web 2.0 tool .

 I want to first say this application is pretty cool.  What I have discovered from playing around in VYEW.com has been the amount of things you can accomplish.  When looking for a quick and easy tool to host meetings outside of the norm I found this to be a great asset.  I really liked that tutorial guide that is provided by VYEW.com and did I mention that this tool is absolutely free.  The tutorial guide takes you page by page and gives free access to creating as you learn.

If you look at the screenshot below you can see how simple it is to follow and create on this software.  This first screen is an actual page I entitled Tracy's Sample This is the Meeting room page and as you can a lot of different sources can be added here and as with every page in this software you can take notes using a sticky note pad. 

I was able to include a screen shot insert of my desktop here,  just to test the usability of the various insert options in this room. You can also insert images, urls just to name a few.   I played around with the edit tool to familiarize myself with the features and I have to say it was fun going though the maze. 
 I tried to capture in my footage  how easy it is to invite members to your room.  As the moderator or creator of your room you can delegate what members in your room can do within the Meeting place. I feel it is extremely important to show how many different ways this one tool can be used.  For my coworkers who may not necessary like getting on the computer to learn new and exciting things I felt feature would definitely help in calming those fears.

 The video also captures the tabs that are available and what you can do or accomplish in each.  I do not have any active members in my network as of yet so I couldn't really play around with this feature.  But just the thought of being able to share what I are viewing or incorporating in the meeting rooms with my coworkers is indeed thrilling to me.

The images in the video shows one room I started creating for a tutorial presentation for my current coworkers who will play a vital part in helping me with my Action Research.  I wanted to demonstrate just how user friendly this tool is and what it has to offer in regards to building collaborations with each other.

Some of the advantages I found while touring this web 2.0 tool was how easy was to register, the convenience of creating meeting rooms, uploading content, scheduling meetings, making comments, 4 different ways to communicate and the total presentation all together.  Because this is a free tool that can be used anyway I know the adaptability for my current working environment will be very smooth. Well my blog world friends thats it for now until next time take a tour, try something new and incorporate something different in your environment.  It makes for a more interesting conversation.
Signing out for tonight, take care......

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Hello Blog World
Its me again ( Tracy)
My iGoogle page is coming along quite nicely I must say.  I am having fun working with this technology.  I have to say,  I love the way this background theme looks on my site.  Oh my goodness I have a google page. WOW!!  I chose this theme because I like the color red and I love flowers. FYI my favorite colors are black, brown, red and yellow however I couldn't find a nice enough picture to use with all of my favorite colors but this one came very close.  Even though I do not, by any means, have a green thumb I love looking at flowers- they make me happy and smile.

I have been able to add some gadgets that are of interest to me and I believe many will help me achieve some of my immediate goals.  On my home tab I added the required information (twitter and facebook).  I have also added gadgets such as sports scores, comedy central jokes, youtube, GoComics.com, scrabble (one of my all time favorite games), CNN for the latest news and music. 

My FSO/AR tab includes only the required links making it extremely easy for me to get access to my FSO information when I need it and it is simply one or two clicks away.

My final tab entitled Resources includes links to my Lynda.com video tutorials, ETC and I also added gadgets for Viddler, Google Reader, hamster, turtle, blogger status and Youtube searches.
Well thats it for now I hope you enjoyed taking a quick look at my screenshots so far believe me more is surely to come.  Blog with you all later.  

Monday, November 21, 2011

BP1_Welcome to my blog


All these things working together helps create the greatest gift-  "Support"

My name is Tracy and I am a wife and mother who finds joy in working with others.  I am currently pursuing another Master degree in education.  My interest range from working with others to learning new things that relates to technology.  I am new using online journals or even sharing my thoughts with the world but I have to say I am definitely up for the challenge.

I work in one of the most prestigious school districts in the state of Mississippi and my desire is to help put it on the map globally.  One of my goals is to help move my current school to the next level academically.  It is belief that completing a Master in Education Technology is part of the key to reaching this goal. I know that learning more about technology will help make my journey a reality. I am convinced that I can truly reach this goal with the continued support from my family, coworkers and friends. So if you are interested in contributing to the success of my journey then by all means follow my blog.  Look forward to blogging with you soon.

Image obtained from: