Friday, June 29, 2012

Leadership Post 1: To Publish or Present

       My initial thoughts when I read this portion of the assignment were, "is this to be or not to be... that is the question" and "Surely we are not expected to present/ publish a project in one months time RIGHT!" These questions raced across my mind so much that I had to turn off my computer for a little while, regroup and have a nice tall drink (water of course).  Once I was able to calm my nerves, I turned the computer back on re-read the assignment got a better understanding and was then able to actually reflect on what I need to do to complete it. 

     In moving to this next phase of my E.M.D.T. research with Full Sail University, I am now confronted with my next hurdle that require me to to reflect on publishing or presenting a leadership project.  As I carefully think about each options I know both can open doors for my scholastic career.  As an educator, I have had several opportunities to present  professional developments for my district, local conferences, I have facilitated trainings at a few colleges as well so I guess the best option for me would be travel the road less traveled- to publish.

     To publish an article will provide an active voice for ongoing efforts in the body of research that can be shared with others.  It is my opinion that publishing research will provide other academic scholars an opportunity to help make their learning environment better or even enhance their classroom settings positively.


jbb said...

Thanks for sharing your process and good luck.

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