Friday, July 13, 2012

Week 2 Reading - Art of Possibility

 When I first opened the book The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander, I didn’t know what to expect. I enjoy reading in fact its one of my hobbies however when it comes to course work I dread it for some reason.  However I am really enjoying reading these few chapters. What I got from my reading was a pure enlightenment on how I can approach my career differently.  Chapters 1 is centered on understanding that you break through barriers that has kept you in a box you may have created.  So the question I have to ask is “How can we think outside the box we live in?” 
·     Not doing the obvious
·     Moving in different directions from the crowd sometimes
·     Using every opportunity to learn something new that will help improve you
Chapter 2 deals with moving away from the small and looking at the world as an open place of opportunity for growth and prosperity.
1.  This can be accomplished by having an optimistic outlook on life
2.  Using an hourglass to see the meaning in life’s many avenues
Chapter 3 really focuses on being creative without worries.  Teachers and students are on equal playing fields and work together to produce greater possibilities with better results.  
·     I like to say you can achieve this by putting your best effort in everything you attempt
Chapter 4 centered a round making contributions that made differences in the lives of others and taking the focus off of self.
·     Perception is everything
·     Positive interactions to problems and circumstances


allawishes1906 said...

Hey Tracy,

Wasn’t the first few chapters amazing? I totally agree with you about reading course assignments, but the first 4 chapters were so interesting that I kept reading without realizing it. “The Art of Possibility” has enlightened me to the point that I started to reevaluate a lot of things going on in my life. I like the way that you approached each chapter with question and answers. Your answers are like motivation for me to enhance my lifestyle for the better. Thank you! The first chapter opened my eyes to my common day-to-day activities and how I’ve used selective vision. I’ve made it a point to break through those barriers starting now. Thanks for sharing!

jbb said...

Excellent summary and interaction with the reading. Love how you pull out at least two points from each chapter. Wonderful.

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