Friday, July 27, 2012

David Middlebrook Week 4 Reading

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Week 4 Readings: The Art of Possibility Chapters 9 – 12

The final four chapters of reading for this week are entitled “Lighting the spark”, “Being the board”, “Creating the framework for possibility”, and “Telling the We story”. Each of these chapters had inspiring stories of how people are engaged in the enrollment process, where the light is spread from person to person through a single spark. Looking at life with different perspective, being the board, and telling the story with the We perspective are all ways to reframe how we look at life and dealing with others.
Chapter 9, “Lighting the spark”, was insightful for me because of how seemingly negative outcomes were looked at through a different perspective. Instead of letting downward spiral thinking ruin an outcome, positive aspects of events were brought out in the light, thus creating that spark.
Chapter 10, “Being the board”, really made me thing about how events and negative thinking in our lives tend to sometimes control the game. If we shift our perspective that we are the game board, and then when events and struggles arise that are not part of our game, we choose to not be the victim and remove them from our game.
Chapter 11, “Creating the framework of possibility”, a vision is created to be the frame of reference for possibility. The pursuit of the vision is a game of sorts that marks your territory. Playing the game allows us to see all of the possibilities available whether we fail or succeed.
Chapter 12, “Telling the We story”, draws on all the other practices from “The Art of Possibility” as we look away from “I” and more toward “We”. This practice is intended to help tear down the walls that divide us and allow us all to work together in harmony.
This book has great insight into living a life full of possibilities. The practices in this book are inspiring and have helped me begin the process of reframing possibility in my own life.

1 comment:

David, I like the way you summarized each chapter. This book does bring a lot of insightful information to mind for living life full of possibility. I enjoyed each and every chapter of this book because it gave me something to consider in shifting my mindset to focusing on positivity. This book for me was really inspiring and gave new meaning for looking at realistic forward thinking.

Jena Wayt Week 4 Reading

Friday, July 27, 2012

WK4 Reading - The Art of Possibility

As teachers, we inspire creativity and individuality in our students. We create the framework of possibility in their lives. Is it a simple task? NO! Sometimes it is a very hard task to get students to step out of their “comfort zones” and try something new, challenging, different. This weekend I saw a couple of my old students. They have just completed their first year of college. I started teaching them their freshman year of high school as a substitute and followed them off and on as their sub through their Sr. year. It was during their 10th grade year that I became their permanent substitute due to the original teacher becoming ill and passing away. It was a very traumatic year for them. One of the students was the teacher’s cousin. It was my first time to be in charge of everything in the classroom including lesson plans. I LOVED IT!! But the most important part was helping my students create a new framework of possibility. I made mistakes and they made mistakes, but we learned together. I was allowed to be their teacher from August to the end of October when a certified teacher was hired. I really missed seeing those students everyday and interacting with them, but I was still a substitute in the school and saw them almost every week. Our hearts had connected. In September of their 11th grade year, their teacher became ill and I became their permanent sub again until December. I was so excited to be in their lives again on a daily basis and create a new framework of possibility with them. I supported them in their school activities, band, football, baseball, fund raisers, etc. They became my children. From time to time, I get to see them and visit with them. I so enjoy the big hugs and smiles exchanged during those brief moments. This weekend was one of them. I was leaving a movie and 3 of them were sitting on a bench waiting for their movie to start. I heard, “Mrs. Wayt!” and turned to see their smiling faces. We hugged and chatted about their first year of college and what the future holds. I could’ve stayed there talking to them forever, but had to go. As we parted, hugs were given again and “I love you, Mrs. Wayt! Your were my favorite teacher!” I don’t think it was because they learned a lot of book knowledge from me. I think it was because I inspired possibility, encouraged them to create new frameworks, realizing their dreams. When I think of those students, I always see the spark in their eyes, “shining eyes,” as we broke down the barriers the world had given us, dreamed, reached for the limitless possibilities, and soared. 

1 comment:

  1. Jena that is so inspiring to read. These are the kinds of memories I think all children should take away from the learning environment. My wish is that I had some of those same types of inspiring stories from my high school teachers, junior high or even elementary teachers but I don't. I did have some teachers that left footprints in spirit for various reasons but overall my school years were not that great. I loved learning because I developed it early on at home and church an despite those very few who didn't quite light a spark in me in school I did have it lite in me at home so it balanced out in the end. However many of my students don't get that same love and attention at home today.

Wk 4- Leadership Role Model Reflection

Mr. Chris Biffle
I spent lot of time thinking about a leadership role model person or organization that I admire. The person and organization that I believe exhibits the style I admire most is the Whole Brain Teaching of Chris Biffle.  Whole Brain Teaching classrooms are full of task-focused laughter, where, humor and games are used.  He offers teachers avenues to instruct utilizing the whole brain engaging student's emotions in a positive manner and provide additional opportunities for the students to build stronger memories of the material they are being introduced.

         I especially like how Mr. Biffle’s method of teaching incorporated the Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences.  He spent a lot of time reassuring that all students will have equal opportunity to learn and participate in their own learning in a fun engaging way.
     I can think of my own classroom years ago and remember how my teaching methods evoked response amongst my students. For the most part those were positive remarks but I feel it could always be better.  My students are deserving of my best that is why I am constantly pursuing more knowledge, and what I have found with   have been heck of a lot better if I had more of this learning methods.  Two weeks, two years, twenty years from now I want my students to remember how I made them feel.
         I am thankful for the opportunity that this program has given me because it has shown me that not only am I capable of dreaming but my dreams can come true.  It has often been a dream of mine to learn more about the programs used for the numerous conferences our school district pay for each year.  In my mind I would say to myself, “One day I am going to learn how to create this slideshows, video cast and do these conferences for my district.” I now feel more at ease about creating podcasts for my school district.

Week 4 Reading- Art of Possibility

My take away from the chapters this week- Chapter 9 Lighting a Spark- to inspire people to get on board with your ideas you must show a certain type of passion when meeting with them. Communicating this passion in your talking and actions demonstrates willingness for others to want to help in any way they can.   The energy will be magnetic and almost magical.  Chapter 10 Being the Board- accepting the choices I have made effect my life. Also realizing that life is a journey.  Playing the blame game does not help you it keeps you looking in the past.  Things that took place in the past you cannot change or have control over any more so you have to move forward with your life. Chapter 11 Creating Frameworks for Possibilities- creating a vision that stands around all possibilities.  Chapter 12 Telling the WE Story- This chapter was my absolute favorite from this week because it truly takes the focus off of “I” factor.  I like that the authors  centered the conversations to help us include ourselves in the problem solving for the issues that we face instead of pointing fingers or trying to be self centered (as we can sometimes be) by making everything all about “me”. 

      It use to be people genuinely cared about other people because you were raised that way, but as family dynamics have changed so has the cultures/values changed... too the selfishness. This is ever presently seen in the classroom with my students, in the office among my co-workers, staff/faculty (friends) even within the family dynamics.  Often when I reflect in my journal each day after work I notice that my observations of the day are quite different from my teammates.  I believe what contributes to those differences in our observations has to be from our personal values  and beliefs.  I look at the "We" in and my teammate often centers all situations around the "me" or "I" factor. I am more hopeful that situations can be resolved by working together to reach a resolution whereas my teammate can only see things from a pointed view. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Week 3 Leadership Project Hub

      The purpose of my action research project was to find what avenues I could explore to help boost staff morale at my present school.  I also wanted to increase collaboration for new teachers by utilizing web 2.0 tools that will motivate and engage them so the idea of developing a mentoring program pop in my head.  So for my problem (boosting staff morale by increasing collaborating) my solution was to establish a mentoring program where new teachers would be paired with veteran teachers to collaborate using technology.  Now that my research was complete my next step was locating a journal that aligned closely with my action research.  I narrowed my search down to two journals.  I found both The Journalof Digital Learning in Teacher Education and Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education to meet the need for my action research project.  I choose these journals because both offer effective uses of technology. Each require a deep understanding of different content to ensure that future teachers are prepared to use technology effectively. The various tools used continue to advance and build upon prior work effort incorporating the new and emergent technologies of today. 

My previous Leadership Posts:
1.  Leadership Post 1: To Publish or Present
2.  Leadership Post 2: Where Do I Want to Share My Project

Link to my Leadership Project Document-

Friday, July 20, 2012

Anthony Hunts Week 3 Reading

Thursday, July 19, 2012

WK 3 Reading "Art of Possibility"

Once again “The Art of Possibility” enlightened me. During Ben’s discussion in “Leading from Any Chair", I began to think about my approach to my program. His approach is very similar to mine as well as other directors I know. Our concept is to mode students to understand the interpretation of each piece for any performance. In no means am I specifying that this is a bad thing but I never once thought about if I were enabling students from performing to the best of their abilities.
I don’t think I have ever been in a rehearsal setting that did not allow engaging conversations between the director and ensemble. I make it a point to have meaningful discussions about music my ensemble is performing and about life in general. I always want students to have an enjoyable time learning about and performing music. They will also be the first to tell you that I will acknowledge any mistakes on my behalf and apologies without thinking twice. We are all humans and no one is perfect (Even though my students try their hardest to catch me on this since they think I know it all!).  I did enjoy the read about giving an individual with the precious knowledge of a particular craft an opportunity to lead. I occasionally try this with students whom I know are capable. And not just the leaders of the band; I’m referring to all with the burning desire to achieve. I do get some that are too embarrassed to come up to the podium, but those who accept are really appreciative. Maybe I will use that line on listening to the music from the back of the theatre to get more to participate. Oh, and the statement under the subtitle “Leaders Everywhere” fit perfectly with my Capstone Project. The Youth Philharmonic Orchestra had to “sight-read” a complex composition by a Cuban composer. If they did not properly prepare to sight read advanced music, they wouldn’t have been able to make it through the piece.
If Rule Number 6 isn’t one needed within my facility then I don’t know what is! One thing I can’t stand is friction in my program or in the building. I do like the fact that Zander mentioned humor as the best way to “give over ourselves”. As previously mentioned, we are all humans and we will make mistakes regardless. Instead of becoming unprofessional and acting outlandish, lighten up and laugh about it (Just venting). I can admit that during intense rehearsals preparing for a performance I can become a very rude obnoxious individual because I strive for perfection. It does somewhat stress the students out because they do not want to make any errors. Very recently have I begun to tell jokes and make a fool of myself to give them something to laugh about and ease the tension. Doing so has actually allowed them to perform better and enjoy doing so. I do appreciate the stories associated with the chapters to give personal accounts on how they approached scenarios. I don’t think I’ve been this excited about reading a book in a while.
In the chapter “The Way Things Are”, Zander expresses the need find ways to overcome negative aspects by introducing positive pathways. I try to bring this example to the table when dealing with my program. You hear so much about the Arts being underfunded; I can tell you that this statement doesn’t explain half of how much funding our programs actually receives. It becomes frustrating when we have to sustain a program with instruments purchased 3 to 4 decades before you were born. Of course, instruments that old may be beyond repair. Instead of concluding that those instruments would become doorstoppers, we find home remedies to repair them to the best of our abilities. Even though they may not be the best quality once repaired, students would still have something to use in order to participate with the rest of the class. As an educator, we have to find pathways to deliver us from certain negative aspects, which would prevent students success.

1 comment:

Anthony I couldn't have said it better.. I do not like misunderstandings either however in this field in which we have the pleasure to work that seems to be the leading issue among our staff. I too think that the Remembering the Rule Number 6 can help enlighten a lot of staff friction. My only concern is how do you address those staff members who are not really approachable. I am sure every school district has one or two. The one that never agrees with any form of change be it good or bad for the overall climate of the district, I just wonder if the Rule Number 6 would offend that person.

Justin Fishel Week 3 Reading

Friday, July 20, 2012

Wk 3 reading – The Art of Possibility (chapters 5-8)

Within The Art of Possibility, chapters 5 through 8, I found several of these chapters to be quite interesting and substantial to my every day work and personal environments. Here are my takes on this weeks reading.
Within Chapter 5 (Leading From Any Chair) of The Art of Possibility, I found that this chapter was about the fact that leadership can in fact come from anybody who possesses greater self-sufficiency. Mr. Zander’s consistently praises that individuals are able to shine when they are given the opportunity. As an educator is can be sometimes difficult to let go and allow your students ‘to prove you wrong’ so to speak. This method is becoming quite popular within my classroom because of my personal experiences as a student, I enjoyed to be challenged and really enjoyed proving my educators that I could do it and exceed their expectations.
Chapter 6 (Rule Number 6) within The Art of Possibility spoke itself quite strongly towards me. Many times I am criticized for being to laid back, easy going and should take things more seriously. Mr. Zander discusses several different aspects that we as individuals can do to see the different possibilities that surround us in our daily lives.
While reading chapter 7 (The Way Things Are), I noticed several aspects that encourage individuals to see things for what they are and move on with life. I am a firm believer for moving on and when less time is spent dwelling on the past, the chances for new possibilities becomes an illusion and not reality.
Reading chapter 8 (Giving Way to Passion) spoke to me in such a way that it expressed to me to be free and passionate about what I do within my everyday life. Individuals must allow themselves to be free and passionate and not so attached to the ways in which other people may view or judge them. If they can achieve this, then high levels of achievement will be reached.

1 comment:

Justin I really like how you broke down each chapter. Your insight is very on point especially as an educator. It is very difficult to let go and give students a chance to prove you wrong but it is very rewarding when they can because at that moment you know they have reached the next level. We also share the same opinion about spending little time dwelling on past and moving forward. I see it as opening the door to new and better possibilities.