Friday, July 13, 2012

Leadership Post 2 - Where Do I Want To Share My Project

            As I looked through the publication list of potential journals to submit my article to I became increasing overwhelm with the endless possibilities that I found. This list was full of great resources my problem was narrowing down now growing list of possible journals to consider for my submission. As I suspected most frown on you trying to submit your work to anyone else so I have to choose wisely. Which makes my decision a very difficult task.  The two journals I have narrowed my search down to are listed below.  I am focusing very heavily on these two because of the specific areas of benefits to my action research.

            My first choice so far is the Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education- this is on my list because this journal offers a lot of what my action research focuses on with the use of technology.  The emergent technologies offer opportunities for students to understand concepts in deeper, often different, and more meaningful ways. However, this growth in understanding will occur only if teachers learn to use these technologies effectively. The most effective uses of technology require a deep understanding of content and related pedagogical strategies, a framework referred to as technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge (TPACK).  The goal of this initiative is to ensure that future teachers are prepared to use technology effectively by building upon prior work, such as Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology and the Partners in Learning program, and continuing to advance this effort by incorporating new and emergent technologies.

            My second choice for submission is the Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE Journal) - a peer-reviewed publication of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE).  It is an interactive electronic journal, that can incorporate articles video, sound, animated images, and ongoing dialog about issues that advance the field of education.
Although many types of articles may appear, the key is that the study, theory, case, review, research, or education model described in the articles of this journal are grounded in the literature. The Current Practice section values promising ideas, implementations, and preliminary findings from research studies that may not be complete.

            As I continue to look at these options I also have to consider which one will help me reach an audience for this type of research and I feel confident that both will appeal to a massive group of individuals in the educational world.


msdedej said...

Hello Tracy,

I think you choosing the Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education is a great choice. I actually used this source many of time during my undergrad school years and I found many great articles in this journal to use and also just to read. But I think your capstone project would fit in great with this Journal because you have many great ideas & digital tools to help increase the employee moral in the work environment. Great Choice!

jbb said...

Great choices and good luck.

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